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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
NIMNO +musical instruments 31
PRIYA +musical instrument 9
SAPTAK +musical instrument 9
SARANGI +musical instrument 31
SAT KARTAR musical co. +dru 9
SAZ +musical instrument 9
SHEHNAI +musical instrument 29, 24, 30
SOPANAM +musical note 9
STRINGS +musical notes 9
TAAL +musical instruments 34
TARANA +musical notes 9
TROMBONE +musical instrumen 25
VALE +man & musical notes 16
VAZZ +musical instrument 29
VELVET voices +musical note 9
YA H O O +musical notation 35, 38, 42
YANKI musical group 41
bird & musical note 9, 11
flying bird & musical note 7
jazz GOA +musical instrumen 9
raj musicals 15
NATRAJ musicassette 9
musics CALIBRE +spiral 9
VESTRON V musicvideo 9
t THARANGINI musik 9
FINEST musk dralle +deer 3
JOVAN musk 3
JOVAN white musk 3
VATSA musk 3
premium musk WILMAN 3
AVI muskaan 24
M muskan +square 25
M muskan exclusive +circle 14
DUNSVIRK court mussoorie 3
musst CHIPS 30
musst STIX 30
must SEES +square 16
must de CARTIER 3
must mumbai 41
HINDYA must 12
INDUS just a must 19, 20
OZONE-it's must 1
SKINNY +hat & mustache 32
mustafa M&S samsuddin +oval 24
M&S mustafa samsuddin +oval 25
mustang INTERNATIONAL +hors 34
36 mustard oil +sun & flowe 29
AARTI mustard oil +lamp 29
AG ANAND mustard hair oil 3
ALBELA mustard oil +cartoon 29
AMAR OIL mustard oil 29
AMEZ kacchi ghani mustard 29
AMOGH filtred mustard oil 29
ANUBHAB mustard oil +stars 29
ANUPAM mustard oil 29
APS mustard oil +circle 29
ASHAPURI mustard oil +drop 29
ASHOKA brand mustard oil 29
ASOPALAV mustard oil 29
ASSAM VALLEY mustard oil 29
AVON AGRO GREENZ mustard oi 29
B MARK mustard oil 29
B.K.G. mustard oil 29
BABA mustard oil +men 29
BAZ MARKA mustard oil +bird 29
BHAGVATI mustard oil 29
BL brand mustard oil +drop 29
BOM pure mustard oil 29
BROFED refined mustard oil 29
BULAND mustard oil +man 29
CHODHARI brand mustard oil 29
COOKOL mustard oil 29
DAKBABU mustard oil +postma 29
DAWAT brand mustard oil 29
DE-LUXE mustard oil +drops 29, 31
DHANI mustard oil +woman 29
DHARA mustard oil 29
DIAMOND mustard oil 29
DO BHAI mustard oil 29
DOGHARI mustard oil 29
DOLLAR mustard oil +coins 29
DOUBLE HIRAN mustard oil 29
DOUBLE SCOOTER mustard oil 29
DS brand mustard oil +god 29
DS brand pure mustard oil 29
ECO VALLEY mustard 30
EVEREST mustard powder 30
FAUJI mustard oil +soldier 29
FORRQUEEN filtered mustard 29
FORTUNE filtered mustard oi 29
G.R. mustard oil 29
GANESH mustard oil +god 29
GL brand mustard oil 29
GOLDEN SHAKTI mustard oil 29
HARIHAR KAMDHENU mustard oi 31
HARSH FRESH mustard oil 29
HEALTHLITE mustard oil +hut 29
HI-POWER mustard oil +oval 29
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